Skiing on a beautiful March Day

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas tree fun..

This year we headed towards Evanston, WY into the Uintah mountains of Utah to cut down our Christmas tree. I must admit it is probably the skinniest tree we have ever picked out. The trunk was so small that we could not find a stand that would anchor it properly, so we tied it to the ceiling to prevent it from tipping over!!

This is the one

The kids just wanted to sled, not take pics

Grandma even came too!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Backyard Animals

 Pig out free ranging in the yard.
she is getting bigger, grow spot grow!

The turkeys are weighing in at 11 lbs a piece!

"Bob" the annoying rooster! Actually I think every rooster is annoying!

Pig giving a hen a ride. Soon we will be done with pig and the turkeys. We look forward to only wintering our chickens. The eggs are great!

I'm Swinging...

Annika loves to swing, the tire swing in the back yard is no exception!!! She has yet to fall off...she enjoys leaning her head backwards and just looking at the sky. A brave little one for 18 months, don't you think?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Civil War Field Trip

On Friday, September 28th we headed over to Solider Hollow (the place where the 2002 Olympic biathlon was held) to see a civil war reenactment. We were their with 1500 other kids, only 20 homeschoolers. It was a fun filled day and Annika even got to sit up on a horse with someone riding "side" saddle.

 Waiting for the presentation to start.

 We took up a whole row.
 Right after our lunch break.

 The camp site for the volunteers.

Annika looking so serious on the horse.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fair Ribbons.

The girls are proudly displaying their 4-H ribbons from this years fair. The 2 large purple ones in the middle are from the Utah State Fair.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hike for Hunger

On Saturday, September 15th, we gathered up a bunch of food (for donation) and headed to Deer Valley for the 1st ever, Hike for Hunger, sponsored by the Christian Center of Park City.

It was a hot afternoon, for September,  hitting 80 by the 3pm start. However the fall colors were beautiful! Our family also won one free lift ticket to ski at Deer Valley one day (it costs $98/day to ski there!). How did we win... well we had the biggest family involved in the hike, ha, ha, all 7 of us!

Here are some pictures to celebrate the day.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rooster Bob..

A picture of Hudson and our Rooster Bob.

They grow so fast

Growing up toooooo quickly. She now looks like a toddler!

She Loves Chocolate...

As we were shopping in Walmart, I asked Craig to get Annika a cookie from the bakery.  The lady behind the counter, proudly, hands him a LARGE chocolate cupcake!

I was finishing the shopping when I met up with them at the "dairy" area. Imagine my surprise to see this:

She did not even want to take it away from her girl, she knew her mom would take away the goods! As we were leaving the store, Craig pipes up "I'll take her to the bathroom and clean her up!" Good Man, my husband!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Onion Chopping Friends...

While making homemade salsa, and needing to chop 10 cups of onion. Lexy and Mariah got very creative!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ugly Turkeys

Turkey's are very ugly creatures. Here is an updated photo of "Thanksgiving" and "Christmas"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lexy on Photography...

Lexy was trying to take a picture of her sister to enter into the fair. It just turned out to be a fun time of trying to get "the shot" she thought she wanted.