Skiing on a beautiful March Day

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hunter turns 12!!!!!!

12, what a number, do you remember what it was like to be twelve! Craig & I were just talking about how few years we have left with him. Only 6 if he wants to move out when he is 18! Now that is scary. However we do feel blessed that we get to spend so much time with him and all of the kids because of homeschooling.

Hunter decided that he wanted to get an electric guitar this year and take lessons. So that was his present this year. I am including a picture for everyone to see.

He is a very caring young adult and is always willing to help grandma & grandpa. We appreciate all that he is willing to do for them. Of course he is also very willing to drive Lexy crazy - it is his specialty, and play with Mandy & Hudson - they adore him. Regardless, he is a blessing to us all and we are so grateful that God allowed him to be our first born!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

What a Friday....

Thank goodness it is Friday. The kids and I had plans to go skiing this afternoon however when I called to see if the little kids lift was running I was reminded that they have all the schools come up on the afternoon for ski school. Sooooo, we ditched that idea and went sleding up in "The Meadows" area on the Tahoe side instead, on a clear day you can actually see Tahoe from here. Today was not one of those days!

After trying to cross the meadow, in thigh high powder, (we did not have snow shoes). We stopped to build a snow fort under some trees.

Then we did a little more sledding before heading home to warm up.

This is a picture of the summertime picnic area, it was closed!

Poor Lana.....

Well last week was a busy one. On wednesday we took a trip to see Lana's Stud - Vito. He is a very beautiful dog, as you can see. Well Lana wasn't quite ready, so she went for a sleepover at Vito's and the next day found herself trying to climb out of the dog run to go play with the others. In the process she cut open her forearm pretty bad. So on Thursday night we drove back over to California and had to pick her up. She had to have a few stitches and will be on restricted activities for the next 2 weeks. Plus we did not get a "hook up" so no puppies for now!! We will have to try again in August!
Sad Lana in a down stay!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Outdoor Recess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the delay in posting. We lost our internet for more than a week. But now it is back... and look at all the snow on the deck railing!

For the past 3 days we received almost 4 feet of snow. Our little snow piles have turned into "fort filled" mountains. Thanks to our wonderful neighbors, Dave & Janna, whom let us borrow their snowblower, we are able to get down to reno when needed.

Here are some pictures of the kids from yesterday afternoon. Have a blessed day and I will add more tomorrow.